



  • SCCA National Solo Rules
  • Cone Penalties  2-second penalty assessed per cone.
  • Tire Penalties – Since events are run on the kart track the racing surface is well defined (versus using a large paved area such as a parking lot).  All courses are designed so that a competitor’s car being driven in a controlled fashion will never need to leave the paved racing surface to complete a run.  Cones are placed strategically so that the car will hit a cone if it leaves the racing surface.  However, that may not always be the case so course workers who observe tires off of the racing surface will inform Timing & Scoring, which will assess a 1-second penalty for each tire off.  Three or more tires off is a DNF; the run will be yellow flagged and the driver should slow their car and return to the grid area.
  • Points.  The BIHR SCCA region runs handicapped events, with each driver/car competing against all other entrants.  Some cars are simply faster than others.  To even the playing field a handicap is applied to each car based upon its classification.  This handicap is referred to as an “index”, or “RTP index” (Racer’s Theoretical Performance).  Going back in time, the index system was referred to as “PAX” (Professional Autocross).  While PAX has been replaced with RTP the two are commonly referenced together (PAX/RTP) so that’s what we do.  PAX/RTP indexes change every year based upon event results collected nationally.  The current PAX/RTP indexes can be found here. A competitor’s fasted time of the day is their “raw time”.  The index multiplier is applied to the raw time to establish the index time.  The higher the index multiplier the faster the competitor needs to complete the course in order to be competitive with other drivers/cars.  The competitor with the lowest index time wins the event:  10,000 points.  The remainder of the competitors are awarded points based upon their index time as compared to the fastest index time (for those interested the formula is: lowest index time /entrants’ index time * 10,000).  Competitor points accumulate from event to event, and over the course of a normal PAX/RTP Championship season  (12 events) the top 7 event point totals are combined to determine the points total for the season (so yes, you can have a bad day or even miss an event or two and still be in the hunt!).  Should the season consist of less than 12 events then one half of the events plus one additional (or rounded up) will comprise the PAX/RTP Championship season (Ex.- only 9 events are held.  One half of 9 is 4.5.  Round up to 5.  Top 5 are totaled, drop the 4 lowest finishes).

Event Format

  • Unless stated otherwise all events consist 8 runs for each driver.  Depending on weather, the number of entrants, or other issues there may be more or fewer than 8 runs for each driver over the course of an event.  The Event Chairman will announce the target number of runs at the beginning of the event.  However, this may change as the event progresses (more, fewer).  All drivers will be provided the same number of runs.  A driver need not complete all runs but in all cases, the single fastest run will be used for their raw time.  Drivers must also respect the time and role associated with their work assignment.
  • We strictly adhere to the following schedule:
    • 7:00 AM – Gates open
    • 7:45 AM – Registration open (until 8:30 AM)
    • 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM – Course setup
    • 9:00 AM – Driver’s meeting (General, Safety, Work Assignments)
    • 9:30 AM – Event start
    • 3:45 PM – End of event
    • 4:00 PM – Event tear-down
    • 7:00 AM – Gates open
    • 7:45 AM – Registration open (until 8:30 AM)
    • 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM – Course setup
    • 9:00 AM – Driver’s meeting (General, Safety, Work Assignments)
    • 9:30 AM – Event start
    • 3:45 PM – End of event
    • 4:00 PM – Event tear-down

New to SCCA Solo?


  • Helmets – Current helmet certification labels for Snell, ECE and FIA.  Updated 2/15/2024 (no changes for 2025).
  •  All drivers and passengers must wear approved helmets.
  • Closed toes shoes are required for all drivers and passengers.
  • It can be sunny, it can be rainy, and there are no vendors.  Bring sunscreen, tents, umbrellas, water/drinks, and food.  No alcoholic beverages may be consumed during the event (drivers or spectators).